Typography Task 1/ Exercises 1 & 2
25.8.2021 - 22.9.2021 (Week1 - Week5)
Ng Ee Chyn / 0344762
Typography / Creative Media Design(minor)
Task 1: Exercise 1 & 2
Week 1 / 25.08.2021:
Mr. Vinod and Dr. Charles lecture us in the first week of Typography class. We are asked to join the Typography group on Facebook. Mr. Vinod introduces us to the Facebook group announcement and files which allow us to find our online class link, spreadsheet, attendance, recorded videos, etc.
In the Facebook group, there are some previous student's e-portfolio and a link explaining how to write a reflection in e-portfolio as a reference and guideline on starting our e-portfolio. We are also required to download “10 typefaces”(fonts) files and install them on our computer which we going to use by next week. We also will be using Illustration, In design, photoshop, and font lab in the next few weeks.
Later on, we are given some time to watch the e-portfolio briefing video and create our own Blogger. I created my blog before in previous semester modules, so I think I don’t have any much problem with creating my e-portfolio, but I’m not sure I’m doing on right track. Last but not least, Mr. Vinod introduced MIB to us and give us our first exercise which is "Type Expressions" by using the words given by students in class.
Recorded lectures note:
Video 0 - Introduction
Typography is the act of creating a letter, is the crating of typeface/type families. Example figure 1.1, this is a geometrical shape used to create the shapes/letter shapes.
We can find typography anywhere such as:
Week 2 / 01.09.2021:
Today, we are showing our final outcome to our lecturers. Mr. Vinod said the common mistakes that most of the students made are the text/expression not visibly present and not dominantly using the space that has been provided, which losing in grabbing the attention. When Mr. Vinod was observing the first student type expression, he reminded us to change the font size to 7pt and export the entire artboard which I had made the same mistake. When my work was selected, the sport "Light" has grabbed Dr. Charles's attention and he commend my type is interesting. I also got an agreement from Mr. Vinod.
After students finished presenting their final outcome, we are given a few break-out rooms to join any discussion room we want. Mr. Vinod gave us 30 min to choose one from type expression complete a type animation in class and export in GIF. In the discussion room, students were doing while watching Mr. Vinod recorded video. I was panic and tough it was hard to complete animation in a short time because it used both Illustration and Photoshop to complete it. But in the end, I was able to complete it in the time given. To create an animation, we have to create a move in each artboard in Illustration. I used 10 artboards to create a GIF.

Recorded lectures note:
Video 2 - Basic
Week 4 / 15.09.2021:
After we had completed "Type Expression", today we had come to Task 1 Exercise 2 which is "Text Formating". Mr. Vinod ask us to watch the recorded video, Typo_Ex Text Formatting 1:4 to Typo_Ex Text Formatting 4:4, and complete the exercise during the class. After completing the exercise we had to export it in 300 dpi and 2048px width with black & white color. During the break-out room, our lecturers will give feedback on our e-portfolio in the feedback sheet.
After the break-out room, Mr. Vinod shows a previous student e-portfolio, Lui Hsiao Hui, as an example while explaining to us what to write in our e-portfolio, also what Mr. Vinod expect to see on our e-portfolio. Later on, MR. Vinod gave us feedback on our final outcome GIF. I showed him 2 versions of the "Light" GIF, and he said the second version of the GIF is much better, just have to slow down the movement of the spotlight.
Recorded lectures note:
Video 3 - Text(Part 1)
Video 4 - Text(Part 2)
Week 5 / 22.09.2021:
Today, Mr. Vinod briefly explaining the task 2 work. Before starting task 2, he told us to watch the recorded video Typo_Task 2_Process Demo which will guild us on how to do task 2. After Mr. Vinod checked and gave feedback to our e-portfolio, he was disappointed because we had done a lot of mistakes, such as JPG no exported properly, PDF was not being summited or files were not visible, he hopes we can do better next time.
Recorded lectures note:
Video 5 - Understanding
Video 6 - Screen & Print
Task 1: Exercise - Type Expression
Week 1:
In this exercise, we have to choose 4 words to create our type expression from Error, Melt, Gone, Light, Pour & Shiver. Terror is mandatory.
Week 2:
Final outcome:
Week 3:
This week, we have to create a GIF using Adobe Illustrator and Animation. I choose light because it had a more challenging and interesting look compared to other type expression. Firstly, we have to use illustration to drew a loop to guild the light movement that I want it to go and move the light on each artboard until the end of the loop.
Task 2: Exercise - Text Formatting
Week 4:
Typography is kind of interesting and challenging for me to learn, it took a lot of effort and hard work to overcome the crisis circumstance. I have to concentrate on every detail what has Mr. Vinod said during the lecture by noting down every important piece of information. The most fun part is creating a GIF using Adobe illustrator and photoshop because I am able to make the words move lively.
The typography course is more challenging than I expected. It is not just selecting the font family and font size, it also has to make sure it is not overly distorted when creating a typeface, adjusting line-spacing, letter-spacing, and the space between pairs of letters. We also have to make sure it was legible, readable, and appealing when displayed.
In this module, I have found that I had more space to grow, I am able to be more creative in every section. For example, type of expression, animate GIF, and text formatting arrangement have multiples ways to exhibit its uniqueness and creativity. Besides, I always learn through the process and do my best. Making mistakes is common, as long as I learned from my mistake, that is nothing impossible.

Fig B 1.3: Roman Cursive(Week5, 26.09.2021)
2. First Alphabets
Ng Ee Chyn / 0344762
Typography / Creative Media Design(minor)
Task 1: Exercise 1 & 2
Mr. Vinod and Dr. Charles lecture us in the first week of Typography class. We are asked to join the Typography group on Facebook. Mr. Vinod introduces us to the Facebook group announcement and files which allow us to find our online class link, spreadsheet, attendance, recorded videos, etc.
In the Facebook group, there are some previous student's e-portfolio and a link explaining how to write a reflection in e-portfolio as a reference and guideline on starting our e-portfolio. We are also required to download “10 typefaces”(fonts) files and install them on our computer which we going to use by next week. We also will be using Illustration, In design, photoshop, and font lab in the next few weeks.
Later on, we are given some time to watch the e-portfolio briefing video and create our own Blogger. I created my blog before in previous semester modules, so I think I don’t have any much problem with creating my e-portfolio, but I’m not sure I’m doing on right track. Last but not least, Mr. Vinod introduced MIB to us and give us our first exercise which is "Type Expressions" by using the words given by students in class.
Recorded lectures note:
Video 0 - Introduction
Typography is the act of creating a letter, is the crating of typeface/type families. Example figure 1.1, this is a geometrical shape used to create the shapes/letter shapes.
Fig 1.1: Geometrical shape (Week 1, 25.08.2021)
We can find typography anywhere such as:
- Animation
- Website design
- Application
- Sign design
- Bottle labels, books & poster
- Logo
Typography has evolved over 500 years:
Calligraphy > Lettering > Typography- Calligraphy: Write style- black letter, unsealed, round hand, etc.
- Lettering: Draw letters out
Typography is the art and technique of arranging
type to make written language legible,
readable, and appealing when
displayed. The arrangement of type involves:
- Selecting typefaces
- Point sizes
- Line lengths
- Line-spacing (leading)
- Letter-spacing (tracking)
- Adjusting the space between pairs of letters (kerning)
The term typography is also applied to:
- Style
- The arrangement and appearance of the letters
- Numbers
- Symbols
Font - refers to the individual font or weight
within the typeface, for example:
- Georgia Regular
- Georgia Italic
- Georgia Bold.
Typeface - refers to the entire family of
fonts/weights that share similar
characteristics/styles, for example:
- Georgia
- Arial
- Times New Roman
On the second of the week, students are required to post their "Type Expression" work given by last week on the Facebook group in the comment section. He also thought us how to export our work into JEPG.
Later on, Mr. Vinod and Dr. Charles randomly pick some student's designs and gave comments to them. Based on Mr. Vinod's comments on other students' designs, without distorting the typefaces/letters and try to use the given typefaces as much as possible to express our design. For example, try to use heavier weight such as bold and black or use the pen tool to add a little bit of pattern so that typefaces are not too overly distorted.
We also split into breakout rooms to give each other comments on their design by using these 4 questions:
At the end of the class, Mr. Vinod shows us his previous student e-portfolio to guild us on what to complete next week and the coming weeks. For the third week, we have to finalize our work by pick out the best for each word and digitize them. In the future class would be to pick one from the 4 and animate it.
- Typeface refers to the entire family of fonts, eg Futura, Arial and etc.
- Font refers to individual weight, eg bold, black, light, italics and etc.
- Are the explorations sufficient?
- Does the expression match the meaning of the word?
- On a scale of 1–5, how strong is the idea?
- How can the work be improved?
At the end of the class, Mr. Vinod shows us his previous student e-portfolio to guild us on what to complete next week and the coming weeks. For the third week, we have to finalize our work by pick out the best for each word and digitize them. In the future class would be to pick one from the 4 and animate it.
Recorded lectures note:
Video 1 - Development
Week 3 / 08.09.2021:
Fig 3.1: Development (Week 3, 08.09.2021)
Today, we are showing our final outcome to our lecturers. Mr. Vinod said the common mistakes that most of the students made are the text/expression not visibly present and not dominantly using the space that has been provided, which losing in grabbing the attention. When Mr. Vinod was observing the first student type expression, he reminded us to change the font size to 7pt and export the entire artboard which I had made the same mistake. When my work was selected, the sport "Light" has grabbed Dr. Charles's attention and he commend my type is interesting. I also got an agreement from Mr. Vinod.
After students finished presenting their final outcome, we are given a few break-out rooms to join any discussion room we want. Mr. Vinod gave us 30 min to choose one from type expression complete a type animation in class and export in GIF. In the discussion room, students were doing while watching Mr. Vinod recorded video. I was panic and tough it was hard to complete animation in a short time because it used both Illustration and Photoshop to complete it. But in the end, I was able to complete it in the time given. To create an animation, we have to create a move in each artboard in Illustration. I used 10 artboards to create a GIF.

Fig 3.1: Gone GIF (Week 3, 08.09.2021)
Recorded lectures note:
Video 2 - Basic
Fig 3.2: Basic (Week 3, 08.09.2021)
After we had completed "Type Expression", today we had come to Task 1 Exercise 2 which is "Text Formating". Mr. Vinod ask us to watch the recorded video, Typo_Ex Text Formatting 1:4 to Typo_Ex Text Formatting 4:4, and complete the exercise during the class. After completing the exercise we had to export it in 300 dpi and 2048px width with black & white color. During the break-out room, our lecturers will give feedback on our e-portfolio in the feedback sheet.
After the break-out room, Mr. Vinod shows a previous student e-portfolio, Lui Hsiao Hui, as an example while explaining to us what to write in our e-portfolio, also what Mr. Vinod expect to see on our e-portfolio. Later on, MR. Vinod gave us feedback on our final outcome GIF. I showed him 2 versions of the "Light" GIF, and he said the second version of the GIF is much better, just have to slow down the movement of the spotlight.
Video 3 - Text(Part 1)
Video 4 - Text(Part 2)
Fig 3.3: Text part 1 & 2(Week 4, 15.09.2021)
Week 5 / 22.09.2021:
Today, Mr. Vinod briefly explaining the task 2 work. Before starting task 2, he told us to watch the recorded video Typo_Task 2_Process Demo which will guild us on how to do task 2. After Mr. Vinod checked and gave feedback to our e-portfolio, he was disappointed because we had done a lot of mistakes, such as JPG no exported properly, PDF was not being summited or files were not visible, he hopes we can do better next time.
Recorded lectures note:
Video 5 - Understanding
Fig 3.4: Understanding(Week 5, 22.09.2021)
Fig 3.4: Understanding(Week 5, 22.09.2021)
Week 1:
In this exercise, we have to choose 4 words to create our type expression from Error, Melt, Gone, Light, Pour & Shiver. Terror is mandatory.
- Terror (mandatory)
ErrorMelt- Gone
- Light
Pour- Shiver
Fig A 1.1: Terror & Gone sketches (Week2, 01.09.2021)
Fig A 1.2: Light & Shiver sketches (Week2,
Week 2:
To finalizing our design, we have to use Adobe Illustrator to
digitize our type expression. Based on the
lecturer's feedback to other students, I decided to recreate my terror, make some
minor changes gone and light and pick the first shiver that I
Font type - Futura Std Heavy
I decided to recreate another type expression for terror because
my terror sketches are too overly distorted. I combined an image
of rust with the typeface of terror which creates the rustly
texture so it looks horror and creepy.
Fig A 2.1: Terror (Week2, 01.09.2021) Fig A 2.2: Rusty image(Week2, 01.09.2021)
Font type - Futura Std Light
For my gone, it was inspired by the Balloon
Girl art, "Going, going, gone..."— Banksy. Based
on what my classmates said, they prefer the
second gone(in Fig A 1.1) because it was unique compare to my other
gone sketches. The position on my gone has
interrupted the design, they recommended adjust
the position so it looks like the letter "O" is
coming out from the Gone.
Fig A 2.3: Gone (Week2, 01.09.2021) Fig A 2.4: Balloon Girl(Week2, 01.09.2021)
Font type - Futura Std Bold
As for my light, I choose the third sketch(in Fig A 1.2). I removed the detail of the letter "L" and the candle to make it as original as could be.
Fig A 2.5: Light (Week2, 01.09.2021)
Font type - Futura Std Book Oblique
I picked the first sketch of shiver because
the second sketch are distorted and the last
one I could not find the way to create the
shaking effect. I applied the waves and
added the shaking line on the shiver so it
look like very cold.
Fig A 2.6: Shiver (Week2, 01.09.2021)
Week 3:
This week, we have to create a GIF using Adobe Illustrator and Animation. I choose light because it had a more challenging and interesting look compared to other type expression. Firstly, we have to use illustration to drew a loop to guild the light movement that I want it to go and move the light on each artboard until the end of the loop.
Fig A 3.1: Process of creating layers (Week3, 08.09.2021)
Illustrator shortcut key:
- Select artboard = Shift+O
- Make = Ctrl+7 (combine an image and shape)
- Release = Ctrl+Alt+7
Before use Photoshop to create an animation, I used a GIF maker to
check my animation could move in smoothly which also could save my
time. In this GIF maker, I observed the lesser detail of movement, the
faster it moves. Therefore, I skipped some of the artboards to make
the movement from slow to fast.
Fig A 3.2: GIF creator (Week3,
Moving on, I delete all the loops in Illustrator and use
Photoshop to create an animation. Each time duplicate a frame,
we have to hide the layer we don't need and show the layer we
need until the end of the layer. Lastly, export and save for
web to create a GIF.
Fig A 3.4: 1st version Light outcome (Week3, 08.09.2021)
Besides, I also try another version of light without the
shadow of light:
Fig A 3.5: Process of creating "Ver. 2 Light"
layers (Week3, 08.09.2021)
Fig A 3.6: 2nd version of Light outcome (Week3, 08.09.2021)
After Showing Mr. Vinod 2 version of Light, he said
the "2nd version of the Light" GIF is much better because we could
not see the letters, only the light shine can starts to see
the letters which allow a person to engage the work. While the 1st version of
light already shows what I trying to say. As the 2nd GIF
just have to slow down a little bit. After Mr. Vinod
gave a comment on my GIF, I found out I have lost an
artboard while creating the 2nd ver GIF which causes the GIF
to move faster.
Week 4:
Kerning - Adjusting the space between the individual letterforms
Tracking(letter-spacing) - Adjusts spacing uniformly over a
range of characters
InDesign shortcut key
- Max of the head is 20 pt
- View > Grids and Guides > Show baseline
- w = preview
- alt + < = kerning
- alt + (right arror) = tracking, increase letter spacing
- ctrl + alt + i = hidden characters
- ctrl + shift + < = increase text szie
- ctrl + shitf + alt = increase text size faster
- ctrl + : = margin/column
- fill frame proportionally = fill the image
- Layout > Margin and column > 4 column
- Text frame option > 1. Align - Top, 2. Baseline option: offset - Leading
- Edit > Preferences > Grids (increment every 11pt, View Threshold 50%)
- Window/F8 > Info
- Edit > Prefrence > Unit and Increments > Kerning&Tracking 5/1000em
Fig A 4.2: Text Formatting with Kerning(Week4, 15.09.2021)
Fig A 4.3: Layout 1(Week4, 15.09.2021)
Fig A 4.4: Layout 2(Week4, 15.09.2021)
Fig A 4.5: Layout 3(Week4, 15.09.2021)
Fig A 4.6: Layout 4(Week4, 15.09.2021)
Final outcome:
I decided to choose layout 4 as my final outcome
Fig A 4.7: Final outcome(Week4, 15.09.2021)
Week 1
General feedback: During the checking time, Mr. Vinod randomly picked students' portfolios to correct their e-portfolio format.
Week 2
General feedback: During the class, Mr. Vinod encourages us to not distort too much on the typeface. I asked Mr. Vinod and Dr. Charles to check my e-portfolio and they recommend changing the font type to the default font as a beginner because it allows us to read smoothly.
Specific feedback: Based on my classmate's feedback, they prefer to go on my second "gone" and third "light" because it was more unique.
Gone - For my Gone descending position has interrupted the design, they recommended adjust the position so it looks like the letter "O" is coming out from the Gone.
Light - They recommend me to make removed the detail of the letter "L" to make it less dependent on showing an image rather then just a font, as original, as could be.
Week 3
Specific feedback: Mr. Vinod said the common mistakes that most of the students made are the text/expression not visibly present and not dominantly using the space that has been provided, which losing in grabbing the attention.
General feedback: Whats grab Dr. Charles's attention is the sport "Light" and overall are interesting. Mr. Vinod praise and he reminds. Besides, he reminds me to change the font size to 7pt and export the entire artboard.
Week 4
General feedback: We have to complete the e-portfolio weekly so we can catch up easily. Do not delete the feedback given in the feedback sheet. Before week 6 or during week 6, we have to watch finish the recorded lecturer videos.
Specific feedback: The second version of the "Light" GIF is much better because we could not see the letters, only the light shine can start to see the letters, just have to slow down a little bit.
Week 5
General feedback: Students was done a lot of mistakes, he hopes we can do better next time and pay attention to submission details.
Specific feedback: Export based on instruction, GIF still a bit fast but good, PDF was not visible, JPG must be in 300 dpi and maximum quality.
General feedback: During the checking time, Mr. Vinod randomly picked students' portfolios to correct their e-portfolio format.
Week 2
General feedback: During the class, Mr. Vinod encourages us to not distort too much on the typeface. I asked Mr. Vinod and Dr. Charles to check my e-portfolio and they recommend changing the font type to the default font as a beginner because it allows us to read smoothly.
Specific feedback: Based on my classmate's feedback, they prefer to go on my second "gone" and third "light" because it was more unique.
Gone - For my Gone descending position has interrupted the design, they recommended adjust the position so it looks like the letter "O" is coming out from the Gone.
Light - They recommend me to make removed the detail of the letter "L" to make it less dependent on showing an image rather then just a font, as original, as could be.
Week 3
Specific feedback: Mr. Vinod said the common mistakes that most of the students made are the text/expression not visibly present and not dominantly using the space that has been provided, which losing in grabbing the attention.
General feedback: Whats grab Dr. Charles's attention is the sport "Light" and overall are interesting. Mr. Vinod praise and he reminds. Besides, he reminds me to change the font size to 7pt and export the entire artboard.
Week 4
General feedback: We have to complete the e-portfolio weekly so we can catch up easily. Do not delete the feedback given in the feedback sheet. Before week 6 or during week 6, we have to watch finish the recorded lecturer videos.
Specific feedback: The second version of the "Light" GIF is much better because we could not see the letters, only the light shine can start to see the letters, just have to slow down a little bit.
Week 5
General feedback: Students was done a lot of mistakes, he hopes we can do better next time and pay attention to submission details.
Specific feedback: Export based on instruction, GIF still a bit fast but good, PDF was not visible, JPG must be in 300 dpi and maximum quality.
The typography course is more challenging than I expected. It is not just selecting the font family and font size, it also has to make sure it is not overly distorted when creating a typeface, adjusting line-spacing, letter-spacing, and the space between pairs of letters. We also have to make sure it was legible, readable, and appealing when displayed.
In this module, I have found that I had more space to grow, I am able to be more creative in every section. For example, type of expression, animate GIF, and text formatting arrangement have multiples ways to exhibit its uniqueness and creativity. Besides, I always learn through the process and do my best. Making mistakes is common, as long as I learned from my mistake, that is nothing impossible.
1. Early Evolution of Roman Letters 1
- Approximate inscriptional letters
- Formal books and documents
- These letters definitely embody gravitas: the precision and regularity of their form shows that they were drawn slowly and carefully
- Written quickly, with a more flowing hand, than was possible in stone
- Although they were patterned after the capital letterforms, differed from the inscriptional form on monuments
Fig B 1.1: Example of Square Capitals(Week5, 26.09.2021)
- Wide, taking a lot of space on a page or scroll
- Patrons who used scribes realized that they could appropriately reduce the cost of producing certain, less important books and documents if the writing were done in a letterform that was narrower (thus saving space) and simpler to draw (thus saving time).
- be known as rustic (or “simple”) capitals.

Fig B 1.2: Example of Rustic Capitals(Week5, 26.09.2021)
- Means “running” in Latin, and the Roman cursive form enabled the writer to keep the pen running along the writing surface.
- Recording business transactions, bookkeeping, correspondence and similar uses
- Until approximately AD 500.
- Since the writings were not usually intended to be permanent, the letters were often scratched in tablets of wax, clay or masonry, or written on papyrus.
- Sometimes they were so carelessly recorded which cause difficult to identify anyone but the author
- Led to the present forms of many of our lowercase letters

Fig B 1.3: Roman Cursive(Week5, 26.09.2021)
Symbol Alphabets
- The first writings were graphic images that represented something tangible
- Simple shapes that spoke fairly simple vocabulary: man, woman, fire, food, tree, etc.
- Over time, people realized that they needed more symbols to express more words. So, multiple “tree” symbols were combined to make a “forest,” and the separate symbols for man, woman, and child were consolidated into a single “family” symbol
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